Boykott gegen die WCL || [Rv]Bash stellt mich als Pedophilen dar

    Neo schrieb:

    Mahrla kannst du auch nicht lesen?
    Ich hab es nicht in seinem Forum gepostet. ======================> NICHT BASH'S FORUM

    Ja, aber es war im Rv Thread und im Forum fand früher die WCL statt? Von daher hat es schon gewissermaßen etwas damit zu tun.

    Hab jetzt auch den gesamten Log gesehen. Teilweise waren deine Fragen auch nur noch nervig und anstatt dich zu entschuldigen, kamen von dir nur weitere dumme Fragen (Did I cheat? Did I trolling? Did I hax? Did I say anything bad about WCL? usw.). Wie gesagt, kann den Ban verstehen, nur die Art von Bash es dir zu sagen, war auch nicht die beste...
    Geh einfach über eine Proxy rein und mach dir neue Accounts in MKWii (lösch aber die alten sollte Bash deine FCs schon kennen) und fahr unter einem anderen Nick bei der WCL mit und fertig hat sich die Sache.
    Aber zum wirklichen Sachverhalt: Ich muss da Swat auch irgendwie Recht geben, dass Bash jemanden als Nazi/Pädophilen beschimpft finde ich unter aller Sau ehrlich gesagt. Das macht Bash ziemlich unglaubwürdig und kratzt auch seine Autorität an. Am besten wäre gewesen er hätte Neo einfach verwarnt und dann wäre die Sache auch gegessen, jetzt entsteht mal wieder unnötige Aufregung...

    RE: Boykott gegen die WCL || [Rv]Bash stellt mich als Pedophilen da

    Neo schrieb:

    Ich finde man sollte bei diesem Thema sehr ernst bleiben vorallem in der heutigen Zeit.
    Und warum postest du so nen Scheiß dann grundlos in nem öffentlichen Forum? Was ging da in deinem Hirn vor, was wolltest du damit bezwecken?

    Als Admin hat er das gute Recht jeden der ihm nicht passt von der Seite fern zu halten, Hausverbot... ganz einfach.
    Auf deine dummen provokaten Fragen hat er halt mit den gleichen dummen provokanten Antworten geantwortet. Ich kenne den Typen nicht weiter, denke aber nicht das er sich wegen dir so einen Aufwand machen möchte...

    Du machst immer irgend nen Quatsch, ohne dir über die Konsequenzen bewusst zu sein, und später wunderst du dich auch noch drüber lol! Solltest die Fehler erstmal bei dir suchen, anstatt bei Anderen.
    BD du kennst die Hintergrundinfos nicht.
    Also kannst du da eig garnicht mitreden.
    Ist auch egal ich bin eh der Buhmann für alle.
    Werd ich auch offener Straße erschossen, dann wird gesagt warum ist Neo daher gegangen?
    Der Mörder trägt keine schulde Neo hätte einfach aus dem Weg gehen sollen.
    Beide haben mit dazu beigetragen; Neo und Bash sind Schuld. Ich bin immer noch der Meinung - ganz objektiv gesehen - dass Bash in diesem Fall der größere Idiot war. Das sage ich nicht, weil ich Neo kenne, oder Weiteres. Ich denke jeder, der mich kennt, weiß das auch. Das, was Neo gemacht hat, war nicht gerade toll, aber nichts Persönliches gegen Bash, also hat er auch nicht das Recht, Neo persönlich damit anzugehen. Ihn zu bannen schon, aber nicht mehr.

    Kurz zusammengefasst:

    - Neo hätte das nicht posten dürfen. -> Der Bann ist dann schon berechtigt.
    - Bash hätte Neo nicht persönlich attackieren dürfen. -> Da wäre dann auch schon eine Strafe berechtigt, da ich nicht denke, dass das Beleidigen / Anstellen von Vermutungen über Mitspieler in der WCL (was er da noch war) in den FAQs als erlaubt drin steht. Bash kann aber nicht bestraft werden, da er der Leader ist.

    50:50 also von meiner Seite. Beide hätten darüber nachdenken sollen, was sie da nicht gemacht haben.

    Macht einfach "reinen Tisch" und dann können wir das hier abhaken. ^^
    ich frag mich grade warum dieser thread existiert, wo doch hier keiner ahnung hat...., keiner mitreden kann und so.

    Es ist Bashs gutes Recht dich zu bannen, dass er dich dann beleidigt hat, bzw dir ne meldung angedroht hat ist wohl, wie schon erwähnt, ne Trotzreaktion, oder en versuch dich fernzuhalten
    Mit nem Zettel am Zeh lebts sich gemütlich
    (I'm afraid I don't speak German, please excuse)

    Hey everyone ;)

    Well as you know, NEO posted hardcore gay porn in the Rv thread at, specifically, as a personal insult to myself and Maniac ( administrator). I didn't see the pictures, however, I just heard that they were directed at myself and Maniac.

    I don't mind being the subject of a joke if it's from my friends or someone I know well enough, or even if it's done in the right context from someone I don't really know, but this wasn't a joke, and it wasn't in the right context - it was just an insult in some way to try and humour his 'friends' at (it was obviously corroborated because there were numerous people posting immediately afterwards encouraging NEO, whom belong to clans who Rv have had problems with in the past like Evul/Clan Killers etc, which led me to believe that NEO and some others planned it).

    If I upset NEO in some way, then I had hoped that he would be able to approach me, as I hope anyone can, because I'd like the opportunity to apologise for any offense I may have caused. But I never did anything to offend or provoke NEO (that I'm aware of), and in fact, up until that moment, I actually got on well with NEO, which makes me question even more his mentality, for he chose to insult someone he apparently liked for no reason for the sake of entertaining a bunch of idiots, by getting involved in a 'cold war' that was occuring between Rv and some other clans that had nothing to do with him and that he couldn't possibly understand (or really care about).

    However, none of that is important, it's personal between myself and NEO, and I wouldn't ban him over something personal (there are plenty of players in the WCL who I've had many arguments with). What the real problem is, is the fact that he posted such images in a predominantly 'childrens' based site, a site in which my own 11 year old son is a member of. I'm sorry, but that is just completely unacceptable, and it's 'people' like this who think it's no big deal and that 'every 12 year old has seen porn' that are the problem in this world (just because you/your upbringing is depraved, don't assume everyone else is, or hope it is).

    The reason I registered here was not to justify the ban for NEO (sorry but I don't have to) the reason I registered here was to defend myself against NEO's lies that I'm a racist/prejudice and I hate German people. All I can say is, that I was almost as angry as I was when I learned about his porn-posting when I read that... NEO really is the most nastiest, stupidest, sorry excuse for a human being I've ever had the displeasure of coming across on the web, what a joke, and to think I was actually beginning to wonder if I was too harsh on him, lol, thanks for reassuring me that the WCL site is better off without you.

    Sorry everyone, a lot of words :rolleyes:
    Welcome to forum [Rv]Bash,

    Thank you for taking the time to register!

    First off you should go and introduce yourself to the community. There are many other users that would like to meet you.

    If you are looking for others to play a game with try it somewhere else. If you are looking for general Mario Kart information try here.

    Again thank you for taking the time to register at the forum!


    the little Austrian,
    Hello Bash,

    I didn't know that you have a 11-years-old son. Well, that's non of my business, but under circumstances like that, I get it so much better. To be honest, I guarded Neo against all the imputations. I am confused right now. Neo told us that you called him a paedophile and a national socialist so I thought "Neo did some useless stuff again and Bash as well because he insulted Neo". I didn't want to draw hasty conclusions. Great, I am really upset now. Again I was able to fail for someone who lied right into my face. Someone is lying and at the moment, it seems that Neo does. I am really sorry, but however, I will wait for it what Neo wants to say to all these occurrences.
    Haha, @wimmi^^

    Well, thx Bash for posting your opinion about that stuff here.

    ...the reason I registered here was to defend myself against NEO's lies that I'm a racist/prejudice and I hate German people...

    I already tried to explain that in my (German) posting and a few other people said the same, but NEO just replies that we don't know anything about the situation and that our statements are wrong. So he doesn't really want to hear our opinion, he just wants to make you look bad... at least it seems like it.

    NEO was also banned in our board several times, but we unbanned him, because he is not always a bad guy. He was a good German country leader and some of us know him in 'real life' (he can be neat), but sadly he usually reacts like an idiot on the internet. So I'm sure the ban is justified and we need no further explanations.

    Mahrla schrieb:

    I already tried to explain that in my (German) posting and a few other people said the same, but NEO just replies that we don't know anything about the situation and that our statements are wrong. So he doesn't really want to hear our opinion, he just wants to make you look bad... at least it seems like it.
    I agree with Mahrla, Bash. Slowly I think, that's Neo's intention. I just heard from Neo that you did so much wrong and that you are the bad guy in here. Fortunately it's only a German board so nobody will hear anything about globally. We should be finish with that soon so we can forget all, I think.
    Of course the ban is justified. But thanks for clearing things up, not everyone does that...
    Not a single person here is against your actions as a administrator of your site, so don't bother. As Mahrla said, we banned Neo several times because he looks ugly ^^
    Apart from that, your answers to neos questions were very funny, had'nt such a laugh in a long time 8o